MultiCulturalism Today™
MCT Categories
Tara Dominguez, CEO
About MCT
Multiculturalism Today™ is a “social enterprise” committed to building community and amplifying diversity.
Let us build communities where our children are proud of their heritage; where our colors, creed, origins, and languages are respected without automatic affiliation with crime, terrorism, or disease, etc.
Let us leverage group decision making to cultivate businesses to strategically create careers, political inclusion, and groom leaders within our respective communities.
Let us celebrate our uniqueness, share in our successes, learn from our setbacks, and eliminate the cultural division that is continuously leveraged against us all.
We do not need one leader or savior, we all have a responsibility to invest our influence in the change we want to see, no matter how small!
Let us grow together through collaboration, communication, inclusion, and leadership excellence!